Save 15-50% at Marriott hotels
At Marriott, Renaissance & The Ritz-Carlton hotels you can book cheap travel agent rates. You can save between 15-50% depending on the hotel, area and time of year. In some periods of the year it may not be possible to get a discount, then try and search for some other dates to find the best agent offers.
How to book Marriott travel agent rates / FAM rates
Go to and fill in TVL in the “Corporate / promotional code” field in the search box under “Special rates”. Then you will see the travel industry rates if there are any available at the special rates.
Remember to bring a proof that you are a travel agent if you book at these rates. Like a business card or a valid IATA Card. Most often they don’t ask for any proof at the reception during check-in.
Marriott travel agent discount code and famtastic rates
The discount code to search for the Marriott famtastic rates is T77. Remember to complete the travel agent program before booking at the famtastic rates. Normally these rates are almost always the same as the normal Marriott discounted travel agent rates. But some hotels – especially new ones – offers a even lower price for travel agents who have completed the program – so it’s worth signing up.
Who can book these special rates?
The travel agent rates and famtastic rates are only for people employed in the travel industry. Always check in the rules and regulations that you are allowed access to the discounted rates. Some Marriott discounts are also available at airline staff and crew rates. The hotels will most likely want to see some form of proof that you really work for a travel agency (or an airline). Do not try and book at these rates if you are not a travel agent or employed in the travel industry.
Travel agent rates » New Yorks best travel agent rates and hotel discounts
[…] Marriott / Renaissance / Ritz-Carlton […]
Amos Meyer
Dear Sir / Madame
We will be visiting New York from the 01 to the 05 of december 2014
Can you kindly quote us a travel agents rate for that period ?
Waiting for your prompt replay
A. Meyer
Hi Amos Meyer.
I am not able to help you make your booking at the Marriot agent rates rates – you need to do that yourself on Marriotts website like I write on this site.
Please be aware that you need to be a professional travel agent to book the discounted rate – you will be asked to show some Travel agent ID when you check in.
Best regards
Amanda Borello
Checking about prices for airline rates in Fiji in Jul for Qantas.
Diane Zawistowski
Need travel rates for Marriott, San Diego near Seaport Village, Aug. 5, 2017